Students Share The Most NSFW and The Filthy Things Their Teachers Have Done

We all had that one teacher back in our school that was a bit of a lad or a bit of a flirt and sometimes did filthy things that annoyed us.Students share on Reddit some of the NSFW and filthy things their teachers did in their class or school and it will make you want to fire them. There were some pretty cool ones too whom we adored. So now when you look back and realize that, that was either really weird behavior or that they were, in fact, a pedophile.

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So students share some of the filthy things and the most NSFW things their teachers have done.Right from just being hilarious to verging on sexual harassment!

1.Which teacher comes to class high? We can imagine what did he teach his class!

Students shares filthy things their teachers have done

2.Mabe the teacher was trying to be good but what is he supposed to do when a student acts like a douche bag?!

Students shares filthy things their teachers have done

3.But he understood your pain of doing the notecards!

Students shares filthy things their teachers have done

4.She just didn’t give a fu*k what her class thought of her!
Students shares filthy things their teachers have done

5.What are teachers supposed to do if there are students like these?

Students shares filthy things their teachers have doneStudents shares filthy things their teachers have done 

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