14 Facts About Breaking Bad That Are Probably Not Known To Many People Out There.

Breaking Bad has undoubtedly been one of the best television series of all time. This AMC series was nominated for 16 awards. Star cast ended with multiple ‘Emmy awards’ in their collection. After all, hard work was paid off. Here, have a look at some of the facts about your own favorite show.

1. Bryan Cranston got himself inked at the last day of season 5 shoot.

Bryan Cranston said, “Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of it and I see that logo from Breaking Bad and it makes me smile.”

Facts about Breaking Bad that are not known to most of people.Via

2. Analogy with science.

Well, everything in this world finds a relation with science and that ought to happen. Science fact here is that there are 62 episodes of the series and the 62nd element of a Periodic table is Samarium. Samarium is a drug used to treat cancer patients in pain.

Facts about Breaking Bad that are not known to most of people.Via

3. One take shot!

Vince Gilligan addressed one scene as ‘One-in-a-million-shot’. Bryan Cranston in that scene managed to throw the pizza onto the roof in a single take for this iconic moment.

Facts about Breaking Bad that are not known to most of people. Via 

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